
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Become healthy in just 10 minutes

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

This research proved that even a small amount of exercise can changeup our body functions, proving that it doesn't require one to be a marathon runner to stay healthy rather running for 5 minutes daily is also a wonderful health investment

Become healthy in just 10 minutes: 15years back, American health association, john ochsner heart and vascular institute, New Orleans started a research on fifty five thousand men and women. The men and woman under study were between 18 to 100 years of age. These 55000 men exercised more or less in a week. The reason of conducting this study was to determine the health benefits to human beings in case of mild exercise. Astonishing results were observed when the study ended some time ago. This research was conducted under supervision of Dr Carl lavi. The research showed that if a person ran for 5 to 10 minutes daily, he remains safe from heart attack and stroke for quite an extent and there is also no compulsion to run fast, a person can gain these benefits from running slowly, proving that even running for 10 minutes strengthens our heart. Keep in mind that even though health experts already know that exercise increases life span and saves a person from diseases but they considered that it was important to exercise heavily for at least 7 times every week to gain substantial benefits. But the results of the new study are good news for citizens. The reason being that only few men and women are able to take time out of their busy schedules for exercise but now they can keep themselves healthy even if they run for 5minutes daily.

A senior American medical expert, Peter Robert says This research proved that even a small amount of exercise can changeup our body functions, proving that it doesn't require one to be a marathon runner to stay healthy rather running for 5 minutes daily is also a wonderful health investment

Salt...good or bad? Some decades ago, doctors came to know from research that if a persons eats too much salt, the kidneys retain a considerable amount of water in the body. This way the amount of blood increases naturally. In order to circulate this blood, the heart has to pump with more effort, and if this condition persists for a sometime, a person gets hypertension. Keeping in view this side effect of this mineral, American doctor declared to decreases usage of this mineral. They advised American citizens to take maximum of 2300 mg of salt only. Cardiologists reduced this amount further i.e. 1500mg daily only. Since the views of American health experts are considered being absolutely right, decreased intake of salt became a lifestyle in other countries as well. But now latest research has showed that decreased intake of salt by men and women who work hard physically or exercise heavily, makes them sick. Keep in mind that salt, as a mineral assists in fulfilling many body tasks. For example, it is because of it our cells become capable of sending and receiving signals from our brain. It keeps our heart beat regular. During heavy exercise and hard work and muscles cramp due to which one has to sit doing nothing, salt saves us from those cramps. Additionally it helps to accumulate water in body.

The above mentioned facts make it clear that those men and women especially those doing heavy physical work and hard exercise, should not allow salt reservoirs to be reduced as they are the ones who require this mineral more. The reason is, that heavy exercise increases sweating and thus, a lot of salt are excreted this way. It had been observed that people who do physical exertion suffer from body aches if they do not eat salt in reasonable amount, and they remain tired. When doctors advised saltish diet to them, they recovered. Therefore health experts now say that people who do heavy exercise or physically hard work should have an intake of 2645 to 4945 mg of salt every day. Normal people can also have more salt in summers as there is more sweating at that time.


One more quality of yogurt: Probiotics are those microorganisms that are found in yogurt, cheese and sweet meat made by milk. These microorganisms keep our digestive system healthy and strong. Now a British research has shown that they also decrease blood pressure. Experts have studied on who were suffering from hypertension. The research proved that people who had added yogurt in their diet were less affected by high blood pressure. Therefore if you are affected by this dangerous disease, you can get rid of it by eating yogurt. Probiotics live in our gut and destroy the harmful organisms. In this way, they are the police of our body. However intake of antibiotics, coffee and cold drinks kill this health police. Their absence is the cause of diseases of the digestive system e.g. diarrhoea. Now research is proving that probiotics have positive effect on various body functions and organs. This includes immune system, brain, skin and blood pressure.

This research proved that even a small amount of exercise can changeup our body functions, proving that it doesn't require one to be a marathon runner to stay healthy rather running for 5 minutes daily is also a wonderful health investment

Become healthy in just 10 minutes: 15years back, American health association, john ochsner heart and vascular institute, New Orleans started a research on fifty five thousand men and women. The men and woman under study were between 18 to 100 years of age. These 55000 men exercised more or less in a week. The reason of conducting this study was to determine the health benefits to human beings in case of mild exercise. Astonishing results were observed when the study ended some time ago. This research was conducted under supervision of Dr Carl lavi. The research showed that if a person ran for 5 to 10 minutes daily, he remains safe from heart attack and stroke for quite an extent and there is also no compulsion to run fast, a person can gain these benefits from running slowly, proving that even running for 10 minutes strengthens our heart. Keep in mind that even though health experts already know that exercise increases life span and saves a person from diseases but they considered that it was important to exercise heavily for at least 7 times every week to gain substantial benefits. But the results of the new study are good news for citizens. The reason being that only few men and women are able to take time out of their busy schedules for exercise but now they can keep themselves healthy even if they run for 5minutes daily.

A senior American medical expert, Peter Robert says This research proved that even a small amount of exercise can changeup our body functions, proving that it doesn't require one to be a marathon runner to stay healthy rather running for 5 minutes daily is also a wonderful health investment

Salt...good or bad? Some decades ago, doctors came to know from research that if a persons eats too much salt, the kidneys retain a considerable amount of water in the body. This way the amount of blood increases naturally. In order to circulate this blood, the heart has to pump with more effort, and if this condition persists for a sometime, a person gets hypertension. Keeping in view this side effect of this mineral, American doctor declared to decreases usage of this mineral. They advised American citizens to take maximum of 2300 mg of salt only. Cardiologists reduced this amount further i.e. 1500mg daily only. Since the views of American health experts are considered being absolutely right, decreased intake of salt became a lifestyle in other countries as well. But now latest research has showed that decreased intake of salt by men and women who work hard physically or exercise heavily, makes them sick. Keep in mind that salt, as a mineral assists in fulfilling many body tasks. For example, it is because of it our cells become capable of sending and receiving signals from our brain. It keeps our heart beat regular. During heavy exercise and hard work and muscles cramp due to which one has to sit doing nothing, salt saves us from those cramps. Additionally it helps to accumulate water in body.

The above mentioned facts make it clear that those men and women especially those doing heavy physical work and hard exercise, should not allow salt reservoirs to be reduced as they are the ones who require this mineral more. The reason is, that heavy exercise increases sweating and thus, a lot of salt are excreted this way. It had been observed that people who do physical exertion suffer from body aches if they do not eat salt in reasonable amount, and they remain tired. When doctors advised saltish diet to them, they recovered. Therefore health experts now say that people who do heavy exercise or physically hard work should have an intake of 2645 to 4945 mg of salt every day. Normal people can also have more salt in summers as there is more sweating at that time.

One more quality of yogurt: Probiotics are those microorganisms that are found in yogurt, cheese and sweet meat made by milk. These microorganisms keep our digestive system healthy and strong. Now a British research has shown that they also decrease blood pressure. Experts have studied on who were suffering from hypertension. The research proved that people who had added yogurt in their diet were less affected by high blood pressure. Therefore if you are affected by this dangerous disease, you can get rid of it by eating yogurt. Probiotics live in our gut and destroy the harmful organisms. In this way, they are the police of our body. However intake of antibiotics, coffee and cold drinks kill this health police. Their absence is the cause of diseases of the digestive system e.g. diarrhoea. Now research is proving that probiotics have positive effect on various body functions and organs. This includes immune system, brain, skin and blood pressure.

An incident of Allama Qasseeri رحمت الله علىه

My son was very sick, so sick that it seemed he would die, I saw the holy prophet in my dream at night and saw that I complained to Huzrut Mohammad about my son's ailment. He ﷺ said, you are so far from the healing ayaah. So, when I woke up, I searched for the healing ayyah. They were these ayah                                                                                                            (1وَیَشْفِ صُدُوْرَ قَوْمٍ مُّؤْمِنِیْنَ۔2۔ وَشِفَآءٌ لِّمَا فِی الصُّدُوْرِ 3۔ یَخْرُجُ مِنْۢ بُطُوْنِہَا شَرَابٌ مُّخْتَلِفٌ اَلْوٰنُہٗ فِیْہِ شِفَآءٌ لِّلنَّاسِ ۔4۔ وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ الْقُرْاٰنِ مَا ہُوَ شِفَآءٌ وَّ رَحْمَۃٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِیْنَ۔5۔ وَ اِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَہُوَ یَشْفِیْنِ 6۔ قُلْ ہُوَ لِلَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا ہُدًی وَّ شِفَآءٌ. I wrote these ayyah and made him drink after washing the written ayyah, he became fit at once, it felt like his tied feet were now freed. (Almuwahib udduniya)(sent by : Mohammed Junaid. Referance:Muzahir e huq sharah(urdu) muktuba tul ilm Mushkaat Shareef 4th binding page number 285)

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